Identify the IP Value in Your SaMD Technology
The first step in working towards a comprehensive IP strategy is identifying where the value in your business lies.
When we talk about the value in your business this is not just where the value is today, but also thinking about where the value will lie in the future.
Working out where this value lies is closely linked to your business plan. A good starting point is looking at how you are going to generate revenue now and brainstorming how this might change in the future. For example, you might generate revenue through licensing your software or through app sales. Wherever your revenue comes from, this is the first step towards working out the strategy to ensure the protection of the intellectual property that is essential to this revenue stream.
Best Practices
For some, the value in your business may be very clear, but for others it may be more difficult to pinpoint. If you are not sure where the value lies in your business or you want an external review to avoid missing any IP, working with an experienced IP lawyer can help you identify key areas of value.
Get in touch
Get in touch to kick off an IP audit for your business.