Strategy Annemijn Eschauzier Strategy Annemijn Eschauzier

The Role of a Strong Market Strategy for SaMD

After investing significant amounts of time, capital, and resources into your healthcare innovation, the crucial next phase is to secure its market success. In this article, we take a look at the building blocks of a strong market strategy.

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Intellectual Property, Strategy Stephen Carter Intellectual Property, Strategy Stephen Carter

How do you safeguard success in the Software as Medical Device industry? An expert’s guide to intellectual property

In the medical device industry, the role of intellectual property cannot be overstated. Whether you're a founder of a medical device company or a professional in the field, understanding and protecting your IP is critical for the growth and sustainability of your business.

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Clinical, Health Economics, Regulatory, Strategy Dr Hugh Harvey Clinical, Health Economics, Regulatory, Strategy Dr Hugh Harvey

NICE ESF & Hardian: The perfect recipe for bringing healthtech to market

TLDR: NICE ESF is a set of standards that digital health technologies should adhere to to be commissioned by the NHS and care system. Set yourself and your solution up for success by using ESF as a guide to demonstrate the clinical effectiveness and cost-benefit evidence ready for NICE health technology assessment (HTA).

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Hardian Health Tech Summit: Lifting the veil on the realities of getting healthtech to market

To celebrate four years of client service, we held our very first Hardian Health Tech Summit event. Joined by many of our clients changing the game in the healthtech industry and keynote speakers from MHRA and NICE, we brought together a community of healthtech leaders for everyone to connect, share and learn.

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Clinical, Regulatory, Health Economics, Strategy Dr Hugh Harvey Clinical, Regulatory, Health Economics, Strategy Dr Hugh Harvey

NICE ESF: The what, when and how?

The UK's National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) released the latest evidence standards framework (ESF) for digital health technologies (DHTs). It's easy to see how standards updates can be confusing, however this update is an important one, and benefits everyone across the industry, from developers, through to healthcare services and patients.

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