Care Pathways
for Market Adoption
It is important to understand the pathway for the condition you are targeting with your product. You need to determine where it fits into the existing care pathway and how it might change or improve that pathway.
A care pathway maps the journey of patients through healthcare. It defines what happens to patients, when it happens, and who does what in terms of diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up.
The care pathway essentially describes a complex intervention for the decision-making and organisation of care processes for a well-defined group of patients during a well-defined period.
The aim of a care pathway is to enhance the quality of care across the continuum by improving risk-adjusted patient outcomes, promoting patient safety, increasing patient satisfaction, and optimising the use of resources.
Care pathways are used all over the world. For example, the NHS has mapped the pathways for the UK such as the Falls and Fracture Care Pathway.
To understand where your solution fits and model how it is going to impact the pathway and patient outcomes, you need to select and map the relevant care pathway for your solution.
This will not only guide you in your development and regulatory strategy but will also be the foundation for the adoption pathway for your product.
Best Practices
Leverage our deep knowledge and tested strategies.
First, start with existing care pathways and literature research, supplemented by discussions with health professionals and patients to identify the pathway correctly and ensure it is an up-to-date reflection of the actual patient journey.
Then, model how your product is going to fit and enhance this pathway. Make sure you think not only about the actual physical steps and processes but also the attitudinal impact on patients and healthcare professionals.
This mapping helps to inform leverage points for brand strategy and direction for both the market shaping and brand promotional campaigns for a successful product launch and adoption.
Get in touch
Get in touch with the experts at Hardian Health to understand existing care pathways and identify where your solution fits.