Hardian Health Tech Summit: Lifting the veil on the realities of getting healthtech to market

To celebrate four years of client service, we held our very first Hardian Health Tech Summit event. Joined by many of our clients changing the game in the healthtech industry and keynote speakers from MHRA and NICE, we brought together a community of healthtech leaders for everyone to connect, share and learn.

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Regulatory Mike Pogose Regulatory Mike Pogose

What is The Medical Device Single Audit Program (MDSAP)?

The Medical Device Single Audit Program (MDSAP) provides medical device manufacturers with a single compliance certification based on essential standard and regulatory requirements for their quality management systems (QMS) in five major markets: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Japan and the United States.

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Clinical, Regulatory, Health Economics, Strategy Dr Hugh Harvey Clinical, Regulatory, Health Economics, Strategy Dr Hugh Harvey

NICE ESF: The what, when and how?

The UK's National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) released the latest evidence standards framework (ESF) for digital health technologies (DHTs). It's easy to see how standards updates can be confusing, however this update is an important one, and benefits everyone across the industry, from developers, through to healthcare services and patients.

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Regulatory Dr Hugh Harvey Regulatory Dr Hugh Harvey

UK medical device regulations - where are we headed?

The UK Regulatory Horizons Council recently published their report on the possibilities of UK medical device regulations after Brexit. Normally, any sane person wouldn’t blink an eye about such a mundane and bureaucratic process - but actually, there’s some serious ramifications.

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Regulatory Dr Hugh Harvey Regulatory Dr Hugh Harvey

How to convert FDA approval to CE marking

The US FDA and the EU MDR, while ostensibly serving the same purpose of vetting and clearing novel medical devices, do so in subtly different ways. What got you here, won’t get you there - learn more about converting from one regulatory system to another.

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Regulatory, Clinical Dr Hugh Harvey Regulatory, Clinical Dr Hugh Harvey

Beware the COVID-tech Cowboys

Health tech has suddenly found its new focus in Coronavirus - but are we at risk of doing more harm than good by rushing to use unproven solutions? To avoid chaos in the aftermath, we should focus on tried-and tested tech, and only use novel solutions where need is deemed greater than the acceptable risk.

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Clinical, Strategy, Regulatory Dr Hugh Harvey Clinical, Strategy, Regulatory Dr Hugh Harvey

The Story of Radiology AI

How do you build an AI company in healthcare? What can AI in radiology actually do? What should it be doing? Are clinicians ever going to be replaced? What does the future look like in healthcare AI?

In this HS Health Tech podcast, James is joined by Dr. Hugh Harvey, Managing Director at Hardian Health.

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